Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kiertueella Euroopassa / On Tour in Europe

Tätä blogipostausta kirjoitetaan Netti-Nyssen auditoriosta
jostain Venetsian ja Ljubljanan väliltä. Olen mukana Netti-Nyssen
Euroopan kiertueella Netti-Nyssen Internet-roudarin ja
Langattoman Tampereen lämppärinä. Reissua pääsee seuraamaan
koti-intternetin äärestä Netti-Nyssen kiertueblogista:

I am writing this blog post somewhere between Venice and Ljublana
sitting in Netti-Nysse's auditorium. I am working here as a
Netti-Nysse's Internet roadie and as a warm-up act for href="">Wireless Tampere. You
can follow our progress from Netti-Nysse's tour and blog pages at:

Monday, November 19, 2007

London photographs

There are also photographs available from my trip to London between 2nd and 4th of November 2007 in Flickr now. Guess this trip was a somekind of introductory visit as I believe that the London has still got a lot to offer and I really want to explore the city even more.

Slideshow page element installed

Google introduced Slideshow page element to Blogger and because it also support Flickr and search by keywords I am now able to have a constant slideshow of all my photos tagged "karri travels", which is nice.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Photo of Christ Church Cathedral in a Dublin guidebook

Schmap Dublin Guide wanted to add my photo of the Christ Church Cathedral they had found in Flickr to their Guide. So here it is:

and here's the original photo in Flickr:

Christ Church Cathedral

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pictures from Terena Networking Conference 2007

Some pictures about the Terena Networking Conference 2007 in Lyngby and even more around Copenhagen, Denmark available now here in my photo gallery in Flickr:

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Important background research: Copenhagen

Started the important background research on Copenhagen, where I will go this month to participate in the Terena Networking Conference 2007. These few links to mini-breweries were found in Google and discussed in #modeemi IRC channel:
I am also open for suggestions if anyone would like to suggest places to test good local or Danish beers in Copenhagen.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007